An allergy friendly crunchy seed and nut-free granola that's easy to make and a tasty way to start the day. Oats and popped quinoa sweetened with maple syrup and the naturally sweet flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.
Mix together the oils, maple syrup, vanilla and salt in a small small bowl. When salt slightly dissolved, stir in the cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.
Combine the oats and popped quinoa in a medium bowl and add the liquid. Stir to coat completely.
Spread it out on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
When lightly toasted and brown, remove from the oven and transfer to a large mixing bowl. Stir in the cranberries, raisins, cacao nibs and coconut flakes.
Transfer it back to a baking sheet and spread it out. Allow it cool completely before storing it.
Expert Tips for Making Crunchy Granola Without Nuts:For a granola that clumps into clusters, keep the oats and quinoa close together on the baking tray and press it down slightly when turning it on the pan while it cooks. Without sugar and lower amounts of liquid sweeteners and oil than other recipes may not give lots of clusters as other recipes.Check that your oven temperature is set at 300° F and keep a close eye on the granola as it cooks. All ovens heat differently and some aren’t calibrated properly at all so the granola can burn easily. Stir the oats and popped quinoa frequently to keep it from burning.Don’t cook the coconut flakes, cacao nibs and dried fruit with the granola. These either will burn easily or get too hard when cooked which is why they work best to add at the end.